Wakefield Families Together: Free online courses

Mon 29 Jan 2024
Wakefield Families Together has partnered with the Solihull Approach to offer free online courses, free for Wakefield residents. 
Posters are attached below but you can also find out further information on the link provided. 

These courses can be accessed in multiple languages. 
Outwood Academy Park Hill can offer access to IT equipment and the internet for you to access these courses at set times in the week in a supportive, warm enviroment alongside other families.  Please call the school directly and register your interest for IT and internet access and we will offer further details of these sessions once we have the numbers of those who would like to take up this offer.  

Once you have registered for these courses you will have free lifetime access to them.

If you have any further questions, please contact
01924 303655

Thank you